The Outlook for Achieving Sustainable Beef

Punta Del Este, Uruguay, Oct 2nd, 2024 What does the future of sustainable beef look like? Rabobank's Justin Sherrard (VP Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef) & Breedr founder Ian Wheal discuss takeouts from #GCSB24 so far.

Here are some key points:

1. The biggest challenge for the beef industry is aligning every player across the supply chain to work towards shared sustainability goals.

2. Improving animal health, starting with increasing vaccination rates for common diseases, is the most cost-effective way to reduce emissions.

3. Breeding and genetic selection are powerful tools for reducing methane emissions while improving beef quality and consistency.

3. Cattle are essential for maintaining healthy ecosystems, from supporting root systems to promoting carbon sequestration.

4. We need more beef producers to share their stories with confidence; the world needs to hear about our role in building a sustainable future.

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